Wednesday, October 20, 2010

first post

alright, you got me. I caved. Here, nearly two months after arriving in Korea, I have started a blog.

This, I suppose, will be my first foray into blogging - having, in the past, only used them to back-up my writing online. So, I will, no doubt, be rusty and misguided in my explaining, posting and altogether summing up my life in this country.

Yet, you reading this, so who cares?

Lastly, in an attempt to savor some creativity in this endeavor, this will not be a straightforward blog of day-to-day recounting. In fact, for my very first post I will tell you absolutely nothing of a story, anecdote or explanation. Instead, I offer this terrific female smackdown article Maureen Dowd wrote for the New York Times yesterday.

For a few of those who know me - you may remember that I am fond of "who would you rather be....." questions - especially with famed historical figures and current celebrities.

Well, there is a reason I have never, and will never, ask: "who would you rather be, Marilyn Monroe or Sarah Palin?"

(if there are laughs to this - I can only say that I am sure there are more than a few young females who would pick the latter.......sadly)

This is that reason.

Making Ignorance Chic (Maureen Dawd, NYT, Oct 19, 2010)

......personal stories to come.....

and i suppose i'll always end with a quotation?

"everything exists to end up in a book"
-Stéphane Mallarmé

(trans. William Rees)

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